After spending the majority of his life extremely insecure, full of self doubt, and eventually almost dying from drug and alcohol withdrawals. Andrew has transformed his life into a life that many people told him was not possible. When people ask if he would go back and change his past; Andrew always says. “If it were up to me, I wouldn’t go back and change a thing.”

Known for being extremely passionate, articulate, and providing a perspective that you’ve never heard, Andrew’s speaking and coaching is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. He speaks and coaches from a place of experience, intensity,  and vulnerability. Whether you like it or not, he will make sure your perspective is changed. Andrew finds that when he first meets with his clients, they have little care for themselves. He shows them their worthiness and how to truly care for what matters. Andrew has a unique way of getting you to understand that although things may not be your fault...they certainly are your responsibility.

For me, I can handle being hurt, I can handle being rejected, I can handle failing...but what I cannot handle is...what if?
What if I would have done that?
— Andrew Finnefrock